KIT-Angle-Modules enable lateral alignment of the spindle extension. It is best used to overcome complicated construction situations where centred positioning of the telescopic spindle extension may be hindered. Cases of application may include sites, where pipes or cables were laid over the valve or where kerbs, tram rails and heavy traffic roads hinder straight access to the valve. KIT-Angle-Modules are available in a number of specifications which provide additional potential for three-dimensional alignment to individual construction situations. Depending on the increase of turning resistance of the valve, a rise in specific actuating torque up to 100 Nm may occur when using KIT-Angle-Module. In combination with a stainless steel KIT-Multi-Telescope, increased torque can be transmitted without complications up to nominal size DN 150.
To test KIT-Angle functionality without the use a telescope, a red operating head without spring connection piece is available. For final assembly without a telescope, operating heads with spring connection pieces are available also.
KIT-Angle-Module build-up
- Water spirit level
PE-HD - Protective cover
PE-HD - Coupling tube
PE-HD - Cardan joint
11SMnPb37 - Torsional wave
Stainless steel - Guide curve
PE-HD - Coupling socket
Malleable cast iron gZn - Balancing bell tube
PE-HD - Dirt disk / bell tube / adaptor
Material: PE = Polyethyle | PE-HD = Polyethylen high density | PE-LD = Polyethylen low density | PE-LLD = Polyethylen linear low density | PP = Polypropylen | PA = Polyamid | PA-GF = Polyamid glass fibre reinforced | POM = Polyoxymethylene | EPDM = Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber | Structural steel ST37-2 = S235JR = DIN EN 10025 | Malleable cast iron = DIN EN 1562 | Stainless steel V2A = Cr/Ni-Steel = 1.4301 | tZn = hot dip galvanised | gZn = electrolytically galvanised | 11SMnPb37 = DIN EN 10087 | 42CrMo4 = Q&T Steel quenched and tempered = DIN EN 10083 | Niro = non corroding steel